The Kissing Conversation




(Ace, nearly 7) “Mum, do you know anything about love?”

(Cautiously, but keeps ironing) “Mmmm – why?”

“Well, there’s these girls at school, Jessica and Sabrina. I think I love Jessica.”


“Well, should I tell her?”

(Oh my Lord, kid’s already grappling with the complicated stuff! But at least has decided it’s okay to play with girls at last. Tread carefully here Mum) “Yes, that’d probably be okay.”

“But I think I love Sabrina too.”

(Oh no, he’s turning into a bloke) “Ri-ight...”


(Geez, I’m never going to get this ironing finished) “Well what!?”

“Should I tell her I love her too?”

“Mmmm, I s’pose that’s okay too. But maybe you shouldn’t let each of them know how you feel about the other one, because they’re good friends and you wouldn’t want them to feel bad about it.” (And it’ll all be different by next week)


(He’s not going away. Neither is this conversation) “Is that all?”

“Is it okay if I kiss both of them then?”

(Who IS this kid!? And what’s the current PC attitude at school for 6-7 year olds? Did I read the circular?) “Only if they say it’s okay.”

“Is it okay to kiss Jack then?”

(Ohmygod, whole new area! And no chance to ask for a raincheck with Ace, he’ll have to have an answer NOW) “Ah ... well ... do you ... WANT to kiss Jack?”



“...but Jack keeps on wanting to kiss me!”

“Well that’s Jack’s mum’s problem!”

“What’s THAT mean?”

“Look, just tell Jack you don’t like him kissing you. Try that.”

“Okay Mum. Is my favourite shirt going to be ready for tomorrow?”

“Only if you buzz off and let me get finished.”

“Okay Mum. I love you Mum.”

(But he’s gone before she can ask for comparisons)


                               ©  T. R. Edmonds  2016

